Getting the class involved online is very important for every single teacher. I will be a physical education teacher, and it seems like that would be the last class that you would need to emphasise going online. Many physical education teachers fall into the same routine of giving their students a basketball and letting them just shoot hoops for an hour and then call it a day. There is a lot more to sports and physical education than just letting students play random sports.
Physical education students can use the internet for many valuable tools. There are countless websites on proper techniques for an athlete in every sport that students could look at to improve. There are also numerous message boards and blogs about any sport that students can participate in to get a better understand of whichever sport that interests them. Physical Eudcation teachers should take great pride in their class. Students should be learning and interacting in every class, including PE.
A little bit about me
My name is Robert (Robbie) Grainger. I am a student at South Alabama majoring in Physical Education. I have wanted to be a teacher and a coach in the high school setting for as long as I can remember. I plan to graduate in the Spring of 2011. I believe I will be a great teacher because I am extremely easy to get along with and have a great work ethic.