A little bit about me

My name is Robert (Robbie) Grainger. I am a student at South Alabama majoring in Physical Education. I have wanted to be a teacher and a coach in the high school setting for as long as I can remember. I plan to graduate in the Spring of 2011. I believe I will be a great teacher because I am extremely easy to get along with and have a great work ethic.


Discipline is something no teacher ever wants to have to go through, but as a future high school teacher, I know that it will play a big role in my teaching. I am of the mind that the overall behavior of the class is a reflection on the teacher, not the students. The reason I say that is the behavior of any class I was ever in as a student was always determined by the teacher. I would have one classmate who would be a great student in one class. They would be well behaved and interacting with the class discussion. In a different class, that same student would be the exact opposite. They would be disruptive and never be involved with the lesson. It all depended on the teacher and how they handled discipline.

I think a teacher should find a good balance in the way they discipline students. They should definitely not let their students walk all over them, but at the same time I think a teacher that is too strict makes for a hard time for students to get meaningful learning in because the students are more worried about behaving right than actually learning. I also will be very big on handling my discipline on my own and not sending students to the principal. To me, this can give students a sign that you are not in control of the class, which can cause students to walk all over you.